kismet | Kali Linux Tools (2024)




root@kali:~# kismet_client -hUsage: kismet_client [OPTION] *** Generic Options *** -h, --help The obvious


root@kali:~# kismet_drone -hUsage: kismet_drone [OPTION]Nearly all of these options are run-time overrides for values in thekismet.conf configuration file. Permanent changes should be made tothe configuration file. *** Generic Options *** -f, --config-file Use alternate configuration file --no-line-wrap Turn of linewrapping of output (for grep, speed, etc) -s, --silent Turn off stdout output after setup phase --daemonize Spawn detatched in the background *** Kismet Remote Drone Options *** --drone-listen Override Kismet drone listen options *** Packet Capture Source Options *** -c, --capture-source Specify a new packet capture source (Identical syntax to the config file) -C, --enable-capture-sources Enable capture sources (comma-separated list of names or interfaces)

kismet_server Usage Example

Start the Kismet server, using the wireless interface as the capture source (-c wlan0) and use the external GPSD option (–use-gpsd-gps):

root@kali:~# kismet_server -c wlan0 --use-gpsd-gpsERROR: Kismet was started as root, NOT launching external control binary. This is NOT the preferred method of starting Kismet as Kismet will continue to run as root the entire time. Please read the README file section about Installation & Security and be sure this is what you want to do.INFO: Reading from config file /etc/kismet/kismet.confINFO: No 'dronelisten' config line and no command line drone-listen argument given, Kismet drone server will not be enabled.INFO: Created alert tracker...INFO: Creating device tracker...INFO: Registered 80211 PHY as id


Kismet is a wireless network and device detector, sniffer, wardriving tool,and WIDS (wireless intrusion detection) framework.

Kismet works with Wi-Fi interfaces, Bluetooth interfaces, some SDR (softwaredefined radio) hardware like the RTLSDR, and other specialized capturehardware.

This is a metapackage containing the kismet tools.

Installed size: 23 KB
How to install: sudo apt install kismet

  • kismet-capture-hak5-wifi-coconut
  • kismet-capture-linux-bluetooth
  • kismet-capture-linux-wifi
  • kismet-capture-nrf-51822
  • kismet-capture-nrf-52840
  • kismet-capture-nrf-mousejack
  • kismet-capture-nxp-kw41z
  • kismet-capture-rz-killerbee
  • kismet-capture-ti-cc-2531
  • kismet-capture-ti-cc-2540
  • kismet-capture-ubertooth-one
  • kismet-core
  • kismet-logtools
  • python3-kismetcapturebtgeiger
  • python3-kismetcapturefreaklabszigbee
  • python3-kismetcapturertl433
  • python3-kismetcapturertladsb
  • python3-kismetcapturertlamr


Kismet is a wireless network and device detector, sniffer, wardriving tool,and WIDS (wireless intrusion detection) framework.

Kismet works with Wi-Fi interfaces, Bluetooth interfaces, some SDR (softwaredefined radio) hardware like the RTLSDR, and other specialized capturehardware.

This package contains the debconf files for setuid capture binaries.

Installed size: 42 KB
How to install: sudo apt install kismet-capture-common

  • adduser
  • debconf | debconf-2.0


Kismet is a wireless network and device detector, sniffer, wardriving tool,and WIDS (wireless intrusion detection) framework.

Kismet works with Wi-Fi interfaces, Bluetooth interfaces, some SDR (softwaredefined radio) hardware like the RTLSDR, and other specialized capturehardware.

This package contains the Kismet Hak5 WiFi Coconut capture helper.

Installed size: 296 KB
How to install: sudo apt install kismet-capture-hak5-wifi-coconut

  • debconf | debconf-2.0
  • kismet-capture-common
  • libc6
  • libcap2
  • libprotobuf-c1
  • libusb-1.0-0
  • libwebsockets19t64
root@kali:~# kismet_cap_hak5_wifi_coconut -hkismet_cap_hak5_wifi_coconut is a capture driver for Kismet. Typically it is startedautomatically by the Kismet server.kismet_cap_hak5_wifi_coconut supports sending data to a remote Kismet serverusage: kismet_cap_hak5_wifi_coconut [options] --connect [host]:[port] Connect to remote Kismet server on [host] and [port]; by default this now uses the new websockets interface built into the Kismet webserver on port 2501; to connect using the legacy remote capture protocol, specify the '--tcp' option and the appropriate port, by default port 3501. --tcp Use the legacy TCP remote capture protocol, when combined with the --connect option. The modern protocol uses websockets built into the Kismet server and does not need this option. --ssl Use SSL to connect to a websocket-enabled Kismet server --ssl-certificate [certfile] Use SSL to connect to a websocket-enabled Kismet server and use the provided certificate authority certificate to validate the server. --user [username] Kismet username for a websockets-based remote capture source. A username and password, or an API key, are required for websockets mode. A username and password are ONLY used in websockets mode. --password [password] Kismet password for a websockets-based remote capture source. A username and password, or an API key, are required for websocket mode. A username and password are ONLY used in websockets mode. --apikey [api key] A Kismet API key for the 'datasource' role; this may be supplied instead of a username and password for websockets based remote capture. An API key is ONLY used in websockets mode. --endpoint [endpoint] An alternate endpoint for the websockets connection. By default remote datasources are terminated at /datasource/remote/ This should typically only be changed when using a HTTP proxy homing the Kismet service under a directory. Endpoints should include the full path to the websocket endpoint, for example: --endpoint=/kismet/proxy/datasource/remote/ --source [source def] Specify a source to send to the remote Kismet server; only used in conjunction with remote capture. --disable-retry Do not attempt to reconnect to a remote server if there is an error; exit immediately. By default a remote capture will attempt to reconnect indefinitely if the server is not available. --fixed-gps [lat,lon,alt] Set a fixed location for this capture (remote only), accepts lat,lon,alt or lat,lon --gps-name [name] Set an alternate GPS name for this source --daemonize Background the capture tool and enter daemon mode. --list List supported devices detected --autodetect [uuid:optional] Look for a Kismet server in announcement mode, optionally waiting for a specific server UUID to be seen. Requires a Kismet server configured for announcement mode.


Kismet is a wireless network and device detector, sniffer, wardriving tool,and WIDS (wireless intrusion detection) framework.

Kismet works with Wi-Fi interfaces, Bluetooth interfaces, some SDR (softwaredefined radio) hardware like the RTLSDR, and other specialized capturehardware.

This package contains the Kismet Linux Bluetooth capture helper.

Installed size: 180 KB
How to install: sudo apt install kismet-capture-linux-bluetooth

  • debconf | debconf-2.0
  • kismet-capture-common
  • libc6
  • libcap2
  • libprotobuf-c1
  • libwebsockets19t64
root@kali:~# kismet_cap_linux_bluetooth -hkismet_cap_linux_bluetooth is a capture driver for Kismet. Typically it is startedautomatically by the Kismet server.kismet_cap_linux_bluetooth supports sending data to a remote Kismet serverusage: kismet_cap_linux_bluetooth [options] --connect [host]:[port] Connect to remote Kismet server on [host] and [port]; by default this now uses the new websockets interface built into the Kismet webserver on port 2501; to connect using the legacy remote capture protocol, specify the '--tcp' option and the appropriate port, by default port 3501. --tcp Use the legacy TCP remote capture protocol, when combined with the --connect option. The modern protocol uses websockets built into the Kismet server and does not need this option. --ssl Use SSL to connect to a websocket-enabled Kismet server --ssl-certificate [certfile] Use SSL to connect to a websocket-enabled Kismet server and use the provided certificate authority certificate to validate the server. --user [username] Kismet username for a websockets-based remote capture source. A username and password, or an API key, are required for websockets mode. A username and password are ONLY used in websockets mode. --password [password] Kismet password for a websockets-based remote capture source. A username and password, or an API key, are required for websocket mode. A username and password are ONLY used in websockets mode. --apikey [api key] A Kismet API key for the 'datasource' role; this may be supplied instead of a username and password for websockets based remote capture. An API key is ONLY used in websockets mode. --endpoint [endpoint] An alternate endpoint for the websockets connection. By default remote datasources are terminated at /datasource/remote/ This should typically only be changed when using a HTTP proxy homing the Kismet service under a directory. Endpoints should include the full path to the websocket endpoint, for example: --endpoint=/kismet/proxy/datasource/remote/ --source [source def] Specify a source to send to the remote Kismet server; only used in conjunction with remote capture. --disable-retry Do not attempt to reconnect to a remote server if there is an error; exit immediately. By default a remote capture will attempt to reconnect indefinitely if the server is not available. --fixed-gps [lat,lon,alt] Set a fixed location for this capture (remote only), accepts lat,lon,alt or lat,lon --gps-name [name] Set an alternate GPS name for this source --daemonize Background the capture tool and enter daemon mode. --list List supported devices detected --autodetect [uuid:optional] Look for a Kismet server in announcement mode, optionally waiting for a specific server UUID to be seen. Requires a Kismet server configured for announcement mode.


Kismet is a wireless network and device detector, sniffer, wardriving tool,and WIDS (wireless intrusion detection) framework.

Kismet works with Wi-Fi interfaces, Bluetooth interfaces, some SDR (softwaredefined radio) hardware like the RTLSDR, and other specialized capturehardware.

This package contains the Kismet Linux Wi-Fi capture helper.

Installed size: 249 KB
How to install: sudo apt install kismet-capture-linux-wifi

  • debconf | debconf-2.0
  • kismet-capture-common
  • libc6
  • libcap2
  • libglib2.0-0t64
  • libnl-3-200
  • libnl-genl-3-200
  • libnm0
  • libpcap0.8t64
  • libprotobuf-c1
  • libwebsockets19t64
root@kali:~# kismet_cap_linux_wifi -hkismet_cap_linux_wifi is a capture driver for Kismet. Typically it is startedautomatically by the Kismet server.kismet_cap_linux_wifi supports sending data to a remote Kismet serverusage: kismet_cap_linux_wifi [options] --connect [host]:[port] Connect to remote Kismet server on [host] and [port]; by default this now uses the new websockets interface built into the Kismet webserver on port 2501; to connect using the legacy remote capture protocol, specify the '--tcp' option and the appropriate port, by default port 3501. --tcp Use the legacy TCP remote capture protocol, when combined with the --connect option. The modern protocol uses websockets built into the Kismet server and does not need this option. --ssl Use SSL to connect to a websocket-enabled Kismet server --ssl-certificate [certfile] Use SSL to connect to a websocket-enabled Kismet server and use the provided certificate authority certificate to validate the server. --user [username] Kismet username for a websockets-based remote capture source. A username and password, or an API key, are required for websockets mode. A username and password are ONLY used in websockets mode. --password [password] Kismet password for a websockets-based remote capture source. A username and password, or an API key, are required for websocket mode. A username and password are ONLY used in websockets mode. --apikey [api key] A Kismet API key for the 'datasource' role; this may be supplied instead of a username and password for websockets based remote capture. An API key is ONLY used in websockets mode. --endpoint [endpoint] An alternate endpoint for the websockets connection. By default remote datasources are terminated at /datasource/remote/ This should typically only be changed when using a HTTP proxy homing the Kismet service under a directory. Endpoints should include the full path to the websocket endpoint, for example: --endpoint=/kismet/proxy/datasource/remote/ --source [source def] Specify a source to send to the remote Kismet server; only used in conjunction with remote capture. --disable-retry Do not attempt to reconnect to a remote server if there is an error; exit immediately. By default a remote capture will attempt to reconnect indefinitely if the server is not available. --fixed-gps [lat,lon,alt] Set a fixed location for this capture (remote only), accepts lat,lon,alt or lat,lon --gps-name [name] Set an alternate GPS name for this source --daemonize Background the capture tool and enter daemon mode. --list List supported devices detected --autodetect [uuid:optional] Look for a Kismet server in announcement mode, optionally waiting for a specific server UUID to be seen. Requires a Kismet server configured for announcement mode.


Kismet is a wireless network and device detector, sniffer, wardriving tool,and WIDS (wireless intrusion detection) framework.

Kismet works with Wi-Fi interfaces, Bluetooth interfaces, some SDR (softwaredefined radio) hardware like the RTLSDR, and other specialized capturehardware.

This package contains the NRF51822 BTLE Sniffer capture helper.

Installed size: 172 KB
How to install: sudo apt install kismet-capture-nrf-51822

  • debconf | debconf-2.0
  • kismet-capture-common
  • libc6
  • libcap2
  • libprotobuf-c1
  • libwebsockets19t64
root@kali:~# kismet_cap_nrf_51822 -hkismet_cap_nrf_51822 is a capture driver for Kismet. Typically it is startedautomatically by the Kismet server.kismet_cap_nrf_51822 supports sending data to a remote Kismet serverusage: kismet_cap_nrf_51822 [options] --connect [host]:[port] Connect to remote Kismet server on [host] and [port]; by default this now uses the new websockets interface built into the Kismet webserver on port 2501; to connect using the legacy remote capture protocol, specify the '--tcp' option and the appropriate port, by default port 3501. --tcp Use the legacy TCP remote capture protocol, when combined with the --connect option. The modern protocol uses websockets built into the Kismet server and does not need this option. --ssl Use SSL to connect to a websocket-enabled Kismet server --ssl-certificate [certfile] Use SSL to connect to a websocket-enabled Kismet server and use the provided certificate authority certificate to validate the server. --user [username] Kismet username for a websockets-based remote capture source. A username and password, or an API key, are required for websockets mode. A username and password are ONLY used in websockets mode. --password [password] Kismet password for a websockets-based remote capture source. A username and password, or an API key, are required for websocket mode. A username and password are ONLY used in websockets mode. --apikey [api key] A Kismet API key for the 'datasource' role; this may be supplied instead of a username and password for websockets based remote capture. An API key is ONLY used in websockets mode. --endpoint [endpoint] An alternate endpoint for the websockets connection. By default remote datasources are terminated at /datasource/remote/ This should typically only be changed when using a HTTP proxy homing the Kismet service under a directory. Endpoints should include the full path to the websocket endpoint, for example: --endpoint=/kismet/proxy/datasource/remote/ --source [source def] Specify a source to send to the remote Kismet server; only used in conjunction with remote capture. --disable-retry Do not attempt to reconnect to a remote server if there is an error; exit immediately. By default a remote capture will attempt to reconnect indefinitely if the server is not available. --fixed-gps [lat,lon,alt] Set a fixed location for this capture (remote only), accepts lat,lon,alt or lat,lon --gps-name [name] Set an alternate GPS name for this source --daemonize Background the capture tool and enter daemon mode. --list List supported devices detected --autodetect [uuid:optional] Look for a Kismet server in announcement mode, optionally waiting for a specific server UUID to be seen. Requires a Kismet server configured for announcement mode.


Kismet is a wireless network and device detector, sniffer, wardriving tool,and WIDS (wireless intrusion detection) framework.

Kismet works with Wi-Fi interfaces, Bluetooth interfaces, some SDR (softwaredefined radio) hardware like the RTLSDR, and other specialized capturehardware.

This package contains the NRF52840 BTLE Sniffer capture helper.

Installed size: 172 KB
How to install: sudo apt install kismet-capture-nrf-52840

  • debconf | debconf-2.0
  • kismet-capture-common
  • libc6
  • libcap2
  • libprotobuf-c1
  • libwebsockets19t64
root@kali:~# kismet_cap_nrf_52840 -hkismet_cap_nrf_52840 is a capture driver for Kismet. Typically it is startedautomatically by the Kismet server.kismet_cap_nrf_52840 supports sending data to a remote Kismet serverusage: kismet_cap_nrf_52840 [options] --connect [host]:[port] Connect to remote Kismet server on [host] and [port]; by default this now uses the new websockets interface built into the Kismet webserver on port 2501; to connect using the legacy remote capture protocol, specify the '--tcp' option and the appropriate port, by default port 3501. --tcp Use the legacy TCP remote capture protocol, when combined with the --connect option. The modern protocol uses websockets built into the Kismet server and does not need this option. --ssl Use SSL to connect to a websocket-enabled Kismet server --ssl-certificate [certfile] Use SSL to connect to a websocket-enabled Kismet server and use the provided certificate authority certificate to validate the server. --user [username] Kismet username for a websockets-based remote capture source. A username and password, or an API key, are required for websockets mode. A username and password are ONLY used in websockets mode. --password [password] Kismet password for a websockets-based remote capture source. A username and password, or an API key, are required for websocket mode. A username and password are ONLY used in websockets mode. --apikey [api key] A Kismet API key for the 'datasource' role; this may be supplied instead of a username and password for websockets based remote capture. An API key is ONLY used in websockets mode. --endpoint [endpoint] An alternate endpoint for the websockets connection. By default remote datasources are terminated at /datasource/remote/ This should typically only be changed when using a HTTP proxy homing the Kismet service under a directory. Endpoints should include the full path to the websocket endpoint, for example: --endpoint=/kismet/proxy/datasource/remote/ --source [source def] Specify a source to send to the remote Kismet server; only used in conjunction with remote capture. --disable-retry Do not attempt to reconnect to a remote server if there is an error; exit immediately. By default a remote capture will attempt to reconnect indefinitely if the server is not available. --fixed-gps [lat,lon,alt] Set a fixed location for this capture (remote only), accepts lat,lon,alt or lat,lon --gps-name [name] Set an alternate GPS name for this source --daemonize Background the capture tool and enter daemon mode. --list List supported devices detected --autodetect [uuid:optional] Look for a Kismet server in announcement mode, optionally waiting for a specific server UUID to be seen. Requires a Kismet server configured for announcement mode.


Kismet is a wireless network and device detector, sniffer, wardriving tool,and WIDS (wireless intrusion detection) framework.

Kismet works with Wi-Fi interfaces, Bluetooth interfaces, some SDR (softwaredefined radio) hardware like the RTLSDR, and other specialized capturehardware.

This package contains the Kismet nRF MouseJack capture helper.

Installed size: 176 KB
How to install: sudo apt install kismet-capture-nrf-mousejack

  • debconf | debconf-2.0
  • kismet-capture-common
  • libc6
  • libcap2
  • libprotobuf-c1
  • libusb-1.0-0
  • libwebsockets19t64
root@kali:~# kismet_cap_nrf_mousejack -hkismet_cap_nrf_mousejack is a capture driver for Kismet. Typically it is startedautomatically by the Kismet server.kismet_cap_nrf_mousejack supports sending data to a remote Kismet serverusage: kismet_cap_nrf_mousejack [options] --connect [host]:[port] Connect to remote Kismet server on [host] and [port]; by default this now uses the new websockets interface built into the Kismet webserver on port 2501; to connect using the legacy remote capture protocol, specify the '--tcp' option and the appropriate port, by default port 3501. --tcp Use the legacy TCP remote capture protocol, when combined with the --connect option. The modern protocol uses websockets built into the Kismet server and does not need this option. --ssl Use SSL to connect to a websocket-enabled Kismet server --ssl-certificate [certfile] Use SSL to connect to a websocket-enabled Kismet server and use the provided certificate authority certificate to validate the server. --user [username] Kismet username for a websockets-based remote capture source. A username and password, or an API key, are required for websockets mode. A username and password are ONLY used in websockets mode. --password [password] Kismet password for a websockets-based remote capture source. A username and password, or an API key, are required for websocket mode. A username and password are ONLY used in websockets mode. --apikey [api key] A Kismet API key for the 'datasource' role; this may be supplied instead of a username and password for websockets based remote capture. An API key is ONLY used in websockets mode. --endpoint [endpoint] An alternate endpoint for the websockets connection. By default remote datasources are terminated at /datasource/remote/ This should typically only be changed when using a HTTP proxy homing the Kismet service under a directory. Endpoints should include the full path to the websocket endpoint, for example: --endpoint=/kismet/proxy/datasource/remote/ --source [source def] Specify a source to send to the remote Kismet server; only used in conjunction with remote capture. --disable-retry Do not attempt to reconnect to a remote server if there is an error; exit immediately. By default a remote capture will attempt to reconnect indefinitely if the server is not available. --fixed-gps [lat,lon,alt] Set a fixed location for this capture (remote only), accepts lat,lon,alt or lat,lon --gps-name [name] Set an alternate GPS name for this source --daemonize Background the capture tool and enter daemon mode. --list List supported devices detected --autodetect [uuid:optional] Look for a Kismet server in announcement mode, optionally waiting for a specific server UUID to be seen. Requires a Kismet server configured for announcement mode.


Kismet is a wireless network and device detector, sniffer, wardriving tool,and WIDS (wireless intrusion detection) framework.

Kismet works with Wi-Fi interfaces, Bluetooth interfaces, some SDR (softwaredefined radio) hardware like the RTLSDR, and other specialized capturehardware.

This package contains the Kismet NXP KW41Z BTLE and Zigbee Sniffer capturehelper.

Installed size: 176 KB
How to install: sudo apt install kismet-capture-nxp-kw41z

  • debconf | debconf-2.0
  • kismet-capture-common
  • libc6
  • libcap2
  • libprotobuf-c1
  • libwebsockets19t64
root@kali:~# kismet_cap_nxp_kw41z -hkismet_cap_nxp_kw41z is a capture driver for Kismet. Typically it is startedautomatically by the Kismet server.kismet_cap_nxp_kw41z supports sending data to a remote Kismet serverusage: kismet_cap_nxp_kw41z [options] --connect [host]:[port] Connect to remote Kismet server on [host] and [port]; by default this now uses the new websockets interface built into the Kismet webserver on port 2501; to connect using the legacy remote capture protocol, specify the '--tcp' option and the appropriate port, by default port 3501. --tcp Use the legacy TCP remote capture protocol, when combined with the --connect option. The modern protocol uses websockets built into the Kismet server and does not need this option. --ssl Use SSL to connect to a websocket-enabled Kismet server --ssl-certificate [certfile] Use SSL to connect to a websocket-enabled Kismet server and use the provided certificate authority certificate to validate the server. --user [username] Kismet username for a websockets-based remote capture source. A username and password, or an API key, are required for websockets mode. A username and password are ONLY used in websockets mode. --password [password] Kismet password for a websockets-based remote capture source. A username and password, or an API key, are required for websocket mode. A username and password are ONLY used in websockets mode. --apikey [api key] A Kismet API key for the 'datasource' role; this may be supplied instead of a username and password for websockets based remote capture. An API key is ONLY used in websockets mode. --endpoint [endpoint] An alternate endpoint for the websockets connection. By default remote datasources are terminated at /datasource/remote/ This should typically only be changed when using a HTTP proxy homing the Kismet service under a directory. Endpoints should include the full path to the websocket endpoint, for example: --endpoint=/kismet/proxy/datasource/remote/ --source [source def] Specify a source to send to the remote Kismet server; only used in conjunction with remote capture. --disable-retry Do not attempt to reconnect to a remote server if there is an error; exit immediately. By default a remote capture will attempt to reconnect indefinitely if the server is not available. --fixed-gps [lat,lon,alt] Set a fixed location for this capture (remote only), accepts lat,lon,alt or lat,lon --gps-name [name] Set an alternate GPS name for this source --daemonize Background the capture tool and enter daemon mode. --list List supported devices detected --autodetect [uuid:optional] Look for a Kismet server in announcement mode, optionally waiting for a specific server UUID to be seen. Requires a Kismet server configured for announcement mode.


Kismet is a wireless network and device detector, sniffer, wardriving tool,and WIDS (wireless intrusion detection) framework.

Kismet works with Wi-Fi interfaces, Bluetooth interfaces, some SDR (softwaredefined radio) hardware like the RTLSDR, and other specialized capturehardware.

This package contains the Kismet Killerbee Sniffer capture helper.

Installed size: 176 KB
How to install: sudo apt install kismet-capture-rz-killerbee

  • debconf | debconf-2.0
  • kismet-capture-common
  • libc6
  • libcap2
  • libprotobuf-c1
  • libusb-1.0-0
  • libwebsockets19t64
root@kali:~# kismet_cap_rz_killerbee -hkismet_cap_rz_killerbee is a capture driver for Kismet. Typically it is startedautomatically by the Kismet server.kismet_cap_rz_killerbee supports sending data to a remote Kismet serverusage: kismet_cap_rz_killerbee [options] --connect [host]:[port] Connect to remote Kismet server on [host] and [port]; by default this now uses the new websockets interface built into the Kismet webserver on port 2501; to connect using the legacy remote capture protocol, specify the '--tcp' option and the appropriate port, by default port 3501. --tcp Use the legacy TCP remote capture protocol, when combined with the --connect option. The modern protocol uses websockets built into the Kismet server and does not need this option. --ssl Use SSL to connect to a websocket-enabled Kismet server --ssl-certificate [certfile] Use SSL to connect to a websocket-enabled Kismet server and use the provided certificate authority certificate to validate the server. --user [username] Kismet username for a websockets-based remote capture source. A username and password, or an API key, are required for websockets mode. A username and password are ONLY used in websockets mode. --password [password] Kismet password for a websockets-based remote capture source. A username and password, or an API key, are required for websocket mode. A username and password are ONLY used in websockets mode. --apikey [api key] A Kismet API key for the 'datasource' role; this may be supplied instead of a username and password for websockets based remote capture. An API key is ONLY used in websockets mode. --endpoint [endpoint] An alternate endpoint for the websockets connection. By default remote datasources are terminated at /datasource/remote/ This should typically only be changed when using a HTTP proxy homing the Kismet service under a directory. Endpoints should include the full path to the websocket endpoint, for example: --endpoint=/kismet/proxy/datasource/remote/ --source [source def] Specify a source to send to the remote Kismet server; only used in conjunction with remote capture. --disable-retry Do not attempt to reconnect to a remote server if there is an error; exit immediately. By default a remote capture will attempt to reconnect indefinitely if the server is not available. --fixed-gps [lat,lon,alt] Set a fixed location for this capture (remote only), accepts lat,lon,alt or lat,lon --gps-name [name] Set an alternate GPS name for this source --daemonize Background the capture tool and enter daemon mode. --list List supported devices detected --autodetect [uuid:optional] Look for a Kismet server in announcement mode, optionally waiting for a specific server UUID to be seen. Requires a Kismet server configured for announcement mode.


Kismet is a wireless network and device detector, sniffer, wardriving tool,and WIDS (wireless intrusion detection) framework.

Kismet works with Wi-Fi interfaces, Bluetooth interfaces, some SDR (softwaredefined radio) hardware like the RTLSDR, and other specialized capturehardware.

This package contains the Kismet TICC2531 802.15.4 Zigbee Sniffer capturehelper.

Installed size: 176 KB
How to install: sudo apt install kismet-capture-ti-cc-2531

  • debconf | debconf-2.0
  • kismet-capture-common
  • libc6
  • libcap2
  • libprotobuf-c1
  • libusb-1.0-0
  • libwebsockets19t64
root@kali:~# kismet_cap_ti_cc_2531 -hkismet_cap_ti_cc_2531 is a capture driver for Kismet. Typically it is startedautomatically by the Kismet server.kismet_cap_ti_cc_2531 supports sending data to a remote Kismet serverusage: kismet_cap_ti_cc_2531 [options] --connect [host]:[port] Connect to remote Kismet server on [host] and [port]; by default this now uses the new websockets interface built into the Kismet webserver on port 2501; to connect using the legacy remote capture protocol, specify the '--tcp' option and the appropriate port, by default port 3501. --tcp Use the legacy TCP remote capture protocol, when combined with the --connect option. The modern protocol uses websockets built into the Kismet server and does not need this option. --ssl Use SSL to connect to a websocket-enabled Kismet server --ssl-certificate [certfile] Use SSL to connect to a websocket-enabled Kismet server and use the provided certificate authority certificate to validate the server. --user [username] Kismet username for a websockets-based remote capture source. A username and password, or an API key, are required for websockets mode. A username and password are ONLY used in websockets mode. --password [password] Kismet password for a websockets-based remote capture source. A username and password, or an API key, are required for websocket mode. A username and password are ONLY used in websockets mode. --apikey [api key] A Kismet API key for the 'datasource' role; this may be supplied instead of a username and password for websockets based remote capture. An API key is ONLY used in websockets mode. --endpoint [endpoint] An alternate endpoint for the websockets connection. By default remote datasources are terminated at /datasource/remote/ This should typically only be changed when using a HTTP proxy homing the Kismet service under a directory. Endpoints should include the full path to the websocket endpoint, for example: --endpoint=/kismet/proxy/datasource/remote/ --source [source def] Specify a source to send to the remote Kismet server; only used in conjunction with remote capture. --disable-retry Do not attempt to reconnect to a remote server if there is an error; exit immediately. By default a remote capture will attempt to reconnect indefinitely if the server is not available. --fixed-gps [lat,lon,alt] Set a fixed location for this capture (remote only), accepts lat,lon,alt or lat,lon --gps-name [name] Set an alternate GPS name for this source --daemonize Background the capture tool and enter daemon mode. --list List supported devices detected --autodetect [uuid:optional] Look for a Kismet server in announcement mode, optionally waiting for a specific server UUID to be seen. Requires a Kismet server configured for announcement mode.


Kismet is a wireless network and device detector, sniffer, wardriving tool,and WIDS (wireless intrusion detection) framework.

Kismet works with Wi-Fi interfaces, Bluetooth interfaces, some SDR (softwaredefined radio) hardware like the RTLSDR, and other specialized capturehardware.

This package contains the Kismet TICC2540 BTLE Sniffer capture helper.

Installed size: 176 KB
How to install: sudo apt install kismet-capture-ti-cc-2540

  • debconf | debconf-2.0
  • kismet-capture-common
  • libc6
  • libcap2
  • libprotobuf-c1
  • libusb-1.0-0
  • libwebsockets19t64
root@kali:~# kismet_cap_ti_cc_2540 -hkismet_cap_ti_cc_2540 is a capture driver for Kismet. Typically it is startedautomatically by the Kismet server.kismet_cap_ti_cc_2540 supports sending data to a remote Kismet serverusage: kismet_cap_ti_cc_2540 [options] --connect [host]:[port] Connect to remote Kismet server on [host] and [port]; by default this now uses the new websockets interface built into the Kismet webserver on port 2501; to connect using the legacy remote capture protocol, specify the '--tcp' option and the appropriate port, by default port 3501. --tcp Use the legacy TCP remote capture protocol, when combined with the --connect option. The modern protocol uses websockets built into the Kismet server and does not need this option. --ssl Use SSL to connect to a websocket-enabled Kismet server --ssl-certificate [certfile] Use SSL to connect to a websocket-enabled Kismet server and use the provided certificate authority certificate to validate the server. --user [username] Kismet username for a websockets-based remote capture source. A username and password, or an API key, are required for websockets mode. A username and password are ONLY used in websockets mode. --password [password] Kismet password for a websockets-based remote capture source. A username and password, or an API key, are required for websocket mode. A username and password are ONLY used in websockets mode. --apikey [api key] A Kismet API key for the 'datasource' role; this may be supplied instead of a username and password for websockets based remote capture. An API key is ONLY used in websockets mode. --endpoint [endpoint] An alternate endpoint for the websockets connection. By default remote datasources are terminated at /datasource/remote/ This should typically only be changed when using a HTTP proxy homing the Kismet service under a directory. Endpoints should include the full path to the websocket endpoint, for example: --endpoint=/kismet/proxy/datasource/remote/ --source [source def] Specify a source to send to the remote Kismet server; only used in conjunction with remote capture. --disable-retry Do not attempt to reconnect to a remote server if there is an error; exit immediately. By default a remote capture will attempt to reconnect indefinitely if the server is not available. --fixed-gps [lat,lon,alt] Set a fixed location for this capture (remote only), accepts lat,lon,alt or lat,lon --gps-name [name] Set an alternate GPS name for this source --daemonize Background the capture tool and enter daemon mode. --list List supported devices detected --autodetect [uuid:optional] Look for a Kismet server in announcement mode, optionally waiting for a specific server UUID to be seen. Requires a Kismet server configured for announcement mode.


Kismet is a wireless network and device detector, sniffer, wardriving tool,and WIDS (wireless intrusion detection) framework.

Kismet works with Wi-Fi interfaces, Bluetooth interfaces, some SDR (softwaredefined radio) hardware like the RTLSDR, and other specialized capturehardware.

This package contains the Kismet Ubertooth One BT Sniffer capture helper.

Installed size: 172 KB
How to install: sudo apt install kismet-capture-ubertooth-one

  • debconf | debconf-2.0
  • kismet-capture-common
  • libc6
  • libcap2
  • libprotobuf-c1
  • libubertooth1
  • libwebsockets19t64
root@kali:~# kismet_cap_ubertooth_one -hkismet_cap_ubertooth_one is a capture driver for Kismet. Typically it is startedautomatically by the Kismet server.kismet_cap_ubertooth_one supports sending data to a remote Kismet serverusage: kismet_cap_ubertooth_one [options] --connect [host]:[port] Connect to remote Kismet server on [host] and [port]; by default this now uses the new websockets interface built into the Kismet webserver on port 2501; to connect using the legacy remote capture protocol, specify the '--tcp' option and the appropriate port, by default port 3501. --tcp Use the legacy TCP remote capture protocol, when combined with the --connect option. The modern protocol uses websockets built into the Kismet server and does not need this option. --ssl Use SSL to connect to a websocket-enabled Kismet server --ssl-certificate [certfile] Use SSL to connect to a websocket-enabled Kismet server and use the provided certificate authority certificate to validate the server. --user [username] Kismet username for a websockets-based remote capture source. A username and password, or an API key, are required for websockets mode. A username and password are ONLY used in websockets mode. --password [password] Kismet password for a websockets-based remote capture source. A username and password, or an API key, are required for websocket mode. A username and password are ONLY used in websockets mode. --apikey [api key] A Kismet API key for the 'datasource' role; this may be supplied instead of a username and password for websockets based remote capture. An API key is ONLY used in websockets mode. --endpoint [endpoint] An alternate endpoint for the websockets connection. By default remote datasources are terminated at /datasource/remote/ This should typically only be changed when using a HTTP proxy homing the Kismet service under a directory. Endpoints should include the full path to the websocket endpoint, for example: --endpoint=/kismet/proxy/datasource/remote/ --source [source def] Specify a source to send to the remote Kismet server; only used in conjunction with remote capture. --disable-retry Do not attempt to reconnect to a remote server if there is an error; exit immediately. By default a remote capture will attempt to reconnect indefinitely if the server is not available. --fixed-gps [lat,lon,alt] Set a fixed location for this capture (remote only), accepts lat,lon,alt or lat,lon --gps-name [name] Set an alternate GPS name for this source --daemonize Background the capture tool and enter daemon mode. --list List supported devices detected --autodetect [uuid:optional] Look for a Kismet server in announcement mode, optionally waiting for a specific server UUID to be seen. Requires a Kismet server configured for announcement mode.


Kismet is a wireless network and device detector, sniffer, wardriving tool,and WIDS (wireless intrusion detection) framework.

Kismet works with Wi-Fi interfaces, Bluetooth interfaces, some SDR (softwaredefined radio) hardware like the RTLSDR, and other specialized capturehardware.

This package contains the Kismet Core.

Installed size: 22.59 MB
How to install: sudo apt install kismet-core

  • libc6
  • libcap2
  • libgcc-s1
  • libpcap0.8t64
  • libpcre2-8-0
  • libprotobuf-c1
  • libprotobuf32t64
  • libsensors5
  • libsqlite3-0
  • libssl3t64
  • libstdc++6
  • libwebsockets19t64
  • zlib1g

Wireless sniffer and monitor

root@kali:~# kismet -husage: kismet [OPTION]Nearly all of these options are run-time overrides for values in thekismet.conf configuration file. Permanent changes should be made tothe configuration file. *** Generic Options *** -v, --version Show version -h --help Display this help message --no-console-wrapper Disable server console wrapper --no-ncurses-wrapper Disable server console wrapper --no-ncurses Disable server console wrapper --debug Disable the console wrapper and the crash handling functions, for debugging -c <datasource> Use the specified datasource -f, --config-file <file> Use alternate configuration file --no-line-wrap Turn off linewrapping of output (for grep, speed, etc) -s, --silent Turn off stdout output after setup phase --daemonize Spawn detached in the background --no-plugins Do not load plugins --homedir <path> Use an alternate path as the home directory instead of the user entry --confdir <path> Use an alternate path as the base config directory instead of the default set at compile time --datadir <path> Use an alternate path as the data directory instead of the default set at compile time. --override <flavor> Load an alternate configuration override from {confdir}/kismet_{flavor}.conf or as a specific override file. *** Logging Options *** -T, --log-types <types> Override activated log types -t, --log-title <title> Override default log title -p, --log-prefix <prefix> Directory to store log files -n, --no-logging Disable logging entirely *** Device Tracking Options *** --device-timeout=n Expire devices after N seconds
root@kali:~# kismet_cap_kismetdb -hkismet_cap_kismetdb is a capture driver for Kismet. Typically it is startedautomatically by the Kismet server.kismet_cap_kismetdb supports sending data to a remote Kismet serverusage: kismet_cap_kismetdb [options] --connect [host]:[port] Connect to remote Kismet server on [host] and [port]; by default this now uses the new websockets interface built into the Kismet webserver on port 2501; to connect using the legacy remote capture protocol, specify the '--tcp' option and the appropriate port, by default port 3501. --tcp Use the legacy TCP remote capture protocol, when combined with the --connect option. The modern protocol uses websockets built into the Kismet server and does not need this option. --ssl Use SSL to connect to a websocket-enabled Kismet server --ssl-certificate [certfile] Use SSL to connect to a websocket-enabled Kismet server and use the provided certificate authority certificate to validate the server. --user [username] Kismet username for a websockets-based remote capture source. A username and password, or an API key, are required for websockets mode. A username and password are ONLY used in websockets mode. --password [password] Kismet password for a websockets-based remote capture source. A username and password, or an API key, are required for websocket mode. A username and password are ONLY used in websockets mode. --apikey [api key] A Kismet API key for the 'datasource' role; this may be supplied instead of a username and password for websockets based remote capture. An API key is ONLY used in websockets mode. --endpoint [endpoint] An alternate endpoint for the websockets connection. By default remote datasources are terminated at /datasource/remote/ This should typically only be changed when using a HTTP proxy homing the Kismet service under a directory. Endpoints should include the full path to the websocket endpoint, for example: --endpoint=/kismet/proxy/datasource/remote/ --source [source def] Specify a source to send to the remote Kismet server; only used in conjunction with remote capture. --disable-retry Do not attempt to reconnect to a remote server if there is an error; exit immediately. By default a remote capture will attempt to reconnect indefinitely if the server is not available. --fixed-gps [lat,lon,alt] Set a fixed location for this capture (remote only), accepts lat,lon,alt or lat,lon --gps-name [name] Set an alternate GPS name for this source --daemonize Background the capture tool and enter daemon mode. --list List supported devices detected --autodetect [uuid:optional] Look for a Kismet server in announcement mode, optionally waiting for a specific server UUID to be seen. Requires a Kismet server configured for announcement mode.
root@kali:~# kismet_cap_pcapfile -hkismet_cap_pcapfile is a capture driver for Kismet. Typically it is startedautomatically by the Kismet server.kismet_cap_pcapfile supports sending data to a remote Kismet serverusage: kismet_cap_pcapfile [options] --connect [host]:[port] Connect to remote Kismet server on [host] and [port]; by default this now uses the new websockets interface built into the Kismet webserver on port 2501; to connect using the legacy remote capture protocol, specify the '--tcp' option and the appropriate port, by default port 3501. --tcp Use the legacy TCP remote capture protocol, when combined with the --connect option. The modern protocol uses websockets built into the Kismet server and does not need this option. --ssl Use SSL to connect to a websocket-enabled Kismet server --ssl-certificate [certfile] Use SSL to connect to a websocket-enabled Kismet server and use the provided certificate authority certificate to validate the server. --user [username] Kismet username for a websockets-based remote capture source. A username and password, or an API key, are required for websockets mode. A username and password are ONLY used in websockets mode. --password [password] Kismet password for a websockets-based remote capture source. A username and password, or an API key, are required for websocket mode. A username and password are ONLY used in websockets mode. --apikey [api key] A Kismet API key for the 'datasource' role; this may be supplied instead of a username and password for websockets based remote capture. An API key is ONLY used in websockets mode. --endpoint [endpoint] An alternate endpoint for the websockets connection. By default remote datasources are terminated at /datasource/remote/ This should typically only be changed when using a HTTP proxy homing the Kismet service under a directory. Endpoints should include the full path to the websocket endpoint, for example: --endpoint=/kismet/proxy/datasource/remote/ --source [source def] Specify a source to send to the remote Kismet server; only used in conjunction with remote capture. --disable-retry Do not attempt to reconnect to a remote server if there is an error; exit immediately. By default a remote capture will attempt to reconnect indefinitely if the server is not available. --fixed-gps [lat,lon,alt] Set a fixed location for this capture (remote only), accepts lat,lon,alt or lat,lon --gps-name [name] Set an alternate GPS name for this source --daemonize Background the capture tool and enter daemon mode. --list List supported devices detected --autodetect [uuid:optional] Look for a Kismet server in announcement mode, optionally waiting for a specific server UUID to be seen. Requires a Kismet server configured for announcement mode.

Wireless sniffer and monitor

root@kali:~# kismet_server -hkismet_server is now named just kismet, you may wish to update any scripts still using kismet_server to launch.usage: kismet [OPTION]Nearly all of these options are run-time overrides for values in thekismet.conf configuration file. Permanent changes should be made tothe configuration file. *** Generic Options *** -v, --version Show version -h --help Display this help message --no-console-wrapper Disable server console wrapper --no-ncurses-wrapper Disable server console wrapper --no-ncurses Disable server console wrapper --debug Disable the console wrapper and the crash handling functions, for debugging -c <datasource> Use the specified datasource -f, --config-file <file> Use alternate configuration file --no-line-wrap Turn off linewrapping of output (for grep, speed, etc) -s, --silent Turn off stdout output after setup phase --daemonize Spawn detached in the background --no-plugins Do not load plugins --homedir <path> Use an alternate path as the home directory instead of the user entry --confdir <path> Use an alternate path as the base config directory instead of the default set at compile time --datadir <path> Use an alternate path as the data directory instead of the default set at compile time. --override <flavor> Load an alternate configuration override from {confdir}/kismet_{flavor}.conf or as a specific override file. *** Logging Options *** -T, --log-types <types> Override activated log types -t, --log-title <title> Override default log title -p, --log-prefix <prefix> Directory to store log files -n, --no-logging Disable logging entirely *** Device Tracking Options *** --device-timeout=n Expire devices after N seconds


Kismet is a wireless network and device detector, sniffer, wardriving tool,and WIDS (wireless intrusion detection) framework.

Kismet works with Wi-Fi interfaces, Bluetooth interfaces, some SDR (softwaredefined radio) hardware like the RTLSDR, and other specialized capturehardware.

This package contains the Kismet logtools.

Installed size: 2.65 MB
How to install: sudo apt install kismet-logtools

  • libc6
  • libgcc-s1
  • libpcap0.8t64
  • libpcre2-8-0
  • libsqlite3-0
  • libstdc++6
root@kali:~# kismetdb_clean -hKismetdb CleanupPerforms a basic cleanup of Kismetdb logs with an incomplete journal fileusage: kismetdb_clean [OPTION] -i, --in [filename] Input kismetdb file

Simple tool for converting the device data from a KismetDB log file to a JSON log

root@kali:~# kismetdb_dump_devices -hKismetdb to JSONA simple tool for converting the device data from a KismetDB log file toa JSON log.usage: kismetdb_dump_devices [OPTION] -i, --in [filename] Input kismetdb file -o, --out [filename] Output device data into JSON file -f, --force Force writing to the target file, even if it exists. -j, --json-path Rewrite fields to use '_' instead of '.' -e, --ekjson Write as ekjson records, one device per line, instead of as a complete JSON array. -v, --verbose Verbose output -s, --skip-clean Don't clean (sql vacuum) input database

Statistics about a kismetdb file

root@kali:~# kismetdb_statistics -hKismetdb statisticsusage: kismetdb_statistics [OPTION] -i, --in [filename] Input kismetdb file -s, --skip-clean Don't clean (sql vacuum) input database -j, --json Dump stats as a JSON dictionary

Simple tool for stripping the packet data from a KismetDB log file

root@kali:~# kismetdb_strip_packets -hKismet packet content strip tool.A simple tool for stripping the packet data from a KismetDB log file.usage: kismetdb_strip_packets [OPTION] -i, --in [filename] Input kismetdb file -o, --out [filename] Output kismetdb file with packet content stripped -v, --verbose Verbose output -f, --force Force writing to the target file, even if it exists.
root@kali:~# kismetdb_to_gpx -hKismetdb to GPXA simple tool for converting the packet data from a KismetDB log file toa GPX file for plotting in OSM and other tools.usage: kismetdb_to_gpx [OPTION] -i, --in [filename] Input kismetdb file -o, --out [filename] Output GPX file -f, --force Force writing to the target file, even if it exists. -v, --verbose Verbose output -s, --skip-clean Don't clean (sql vacuum) input database -e, --exclude lat,lon,dist Exclude records within 'dist' *meters* of the lat,lon provided. This can be used to exclude packets close to your home, or other sensitive locations. --basic-location Use basic average location information instead of computing a high-precision location; faster, but less accurate
root@kali:~# kismetdb_to_kml -hKismetdb to KMLA simple tool for converting the packet data from a KismetDB log file toa KML file for plotting in Google Earthusage: kismetdb_to_kml [OPTION] -i, --in [filename] Input kismetdb file -o, --out [filename] Output KML file -f, --force Force writing to the target file, even if it exists. -v, --verbose Verbose output -s, --skip-clean Don't clean (sql vacuum) input database -e, --exclude lat,lon,dist Exclude records within 'dist' *meters* of the lat,lon provided. This can be used to exclude packets close to your home, or other sensitive locations. --basic-location Use basic average location information instead of computing a high-precision location; faster, but less accurate -g, --group Group by type into folders
root@kali:~# kismetdb_to_pcap -hKismetdb to pcapConvert packet data from KismetDB logs to standard pcap or pcapng logs for use intools like Wireshark and tcpdumpusage: kismetdb_to_pcap [OPTION] -i, --in [filename] Input kismetdb file -o, --out [filename] Output file name -f, --force Overwrite any existing output files -v, --verbose Verbose output -s, --skip-clean Don't clean (sql vacuum) input database --old-pcap Create a traditional pcap file Traditional PCAP files cannot have multiple link types. --dlt [linktype #] Limit pcap to a single DLT (link type); necessary when generating older traditional pcap instead of pcapng. --list-datasources List datasources in kismetdb; do not create a pcap file --datasource [uuid] Include packets from this datasource. Multiple datasource arguments can be given to include multiple datasources. --split-datasource Split output into multiple files, with each file containing packets from a single datasource. --split-packets [num] Split output into multiple files, with each file containing at most [num] packets --split-size [size-in-kb] Split output into multiple files, with each file containing at most [kb] bytes --list-tags List tags in kismetdb; do not create a pcap file --tag [tag] Only export packets which have a specific tag Specify multiple --tag options to include all packets with those tags. --skip-gps When generating pcapng logs, don't include GPS information via the Kismet PEN custom fields --skip-gps-track When generating pcapng logs, don't include GPS movement track informationWhen splitting output by datasource, the file will be named [outname]-[datasource-uuid].When splitting output into multiple files, file will be named [outname]-0001, [outname]-0002, and so forth.Output can be split by datasource, packet count, or file size. These options can becombined as datasource and packet count, or datasource and file size.When splitting by both datasource and count or size, the files will be named [outname]-[datasource-uuid]-0001, and so on.

Simple tool for converting the packet data from a KismetDB log file to the CSV format used by Wigle

root@kali:~# kismetdb_to_wiglecsv -hKismetdb to WigleCSVA simple tool for converting the packet data from a KismetDB log file tothe CSV format used by Wigleusage: kismetdb_to_wiglecsv [OPTION] -i, --in [filename] Input kismetdb file -o, --out [filename] Output Wigle CSV file -f, --force Force writing to the target file, even if it exists. -r, --rate-limit [rate] Limit updated records to one update per [rate] seconds per device -c, --cache-limit [limit] Maximum number of device to cache, defaults to 1000. -v, --verbose Verbose output -s, --skip-clean Don't clean (sql vacuum) input database -e, --exclude lat,lon,dist Exclude records within 'dist' *meters* of the lat,lon provided. This can be used to exclude packets close to your home, or other sensitive locations.


Kismet is an 802.11 layer-2 wireless network detector, sniffer, andintrusion detection system. It will work with any wireless card thatsupports raw monitoring (rfmon) mode, and can sniff 802.11a/b/g/ntraffic.

It can use other programs to play audio alarms for network events,read out network summaries, or provide GPS coordinates.

This package provides the following extra plugins for Kismet:

  • autowep: detects the WEP key from BSSID and SSID;
  • btscan: basic scan support for the 802.15.1 (Bluetooth) protocol;
  • ptw: performs the Aircrack-NG PTW attack against captured data;
  • spectools: imports data from the spectools spectrum analyzer;
  • syslog: provides supports for alerts using standard unix syslog services.

Installed size: 373 KB
How to install: sudo apt install kismet-plugins

  • kismet
  • libc6
  • libgcc-s1
  • libstdc++6
  • python3
  • python3-kismetexternal
root@kali:~# kismet_eventbus -husage: kismet_eventbus [-h] [--in-fd INFD] [--out-fd OUTFD]Kismet External Python Example - Eventbusoptions: -h, --help show this help message and exit --in-fd INFD --out-fd OUTFD
root@kali:~# kismet_proxytest -husage: kismet_proxytest [-h] [--in-fd INFD] [--out-fd OUTFD]Kismet External Python Exampleoptions: -h, --help show this help message and exit --in-fd INFD --out-fd OUTFD


Kismet is a wireless network and device detector, sniffer, wardriving tool,and WIDS (wireless intrusion detection) framework.

Kismet works with Wi-Fi interfaces, Bluetooth interfaces, some SDR (softwaredefined radio) hardware like the RTLSDR, and other specialized capturehardware.

This package contains the Kismet BLTE geiger datasource.

Installed size: 109 KB
How to install: sudo apt install python3-kismetcapturebtgeiger

  • python3
  • python3-bluepy
  • python3-protobuf
  • python3-websockets
root@kali:~# kismet_cap_bt_geiger -husage: kismet_cap_bt_geiger [-h] [--in-fd INFD] [--out-fd OUTFD] [--connect CONNECT] [--source SOURCE] [--tcp] [--ssl] [--ssl-certificate SSLCERTIFICATE] [--user USER] [--password PASSWORD] [--apikey APIKEY] [--endpoint ENDPOINT] [--disable-retry ENDPOINT] [--autodetect [AUTODETECT]]BTLE Geiger counter Kismet datasourceoptions: -h, --help show this help message and exit --in-fd INFD incoming fd pair (IPC mode only) --out-fd OUTFD outgoing fd pair (IPC mode only) --connect CONNECT remote kismet server on host:port; by default this uses websocket mode, to use the legacy tcp mode, specify the --tcp argument --source SOURCE capture source definition, required for remote capture --tcp enable legacy tcp mode --ssl enable SSL --ssl-certificate SSLCERTIFICATE provide a SSL CA certificate to validate server --user USER Kismet username for websockets-based remote capture --password PASSWORD Kismet password for websockets-based remote capture --apikey APIKEY Kismet API key for websockets-based remote capture --endpoint ENDPOINT alternate endpoint for websockets remote capture --disable-retry ENDPOINT disable automatic reconnection --autodetect [AUTODETECT] look for a Kismet server in announce mode, optionally waiting for a specific server UUID


Kismet is a wireless network and device detector, sniffer, wardriving tool,and WIDS (wireless intrusion detection) framework.

Kismet works with Wi-Fi interfaces, Bluetooth interfaces, some SDR (softwaredefined radio) hardware like the RTLSDR, and other specialized capturehardware.

This package contains the Kismet Freaklabs Zigbee datasource.

Installed size: 116 KB
How to install: sudo apt install python3-kismetcapturefreaklabszigbee

  • python3
  • python3-protobuf
  • python3-serial
  • python3-websockets
root@kali:~# kismet_cap_freaklabs_zigbee -husage: kismet_cap_freaklabs_zigbee [-h] [--in-fd INFD] [--out-fd OUTFD] [--connect CONNECT] [--source SOURCE] [--tcp] [--ssl] [--ssl-certificate SSLCERTIFICATE] [--user USER] [--password PASSWORD] [--apikey APIKEY] [--endpoint ENDPOINT] [--disable-retry ENDPOINT] [--autodetect [AUTODETECT]]Kismet datasource to capture from Freaklabs Zigbee hardwareoptions: -h, --help show this help message and exit --in-fd INFD incoming fd pair (IPC mode only) --out-fd OUTFD outgoing fd pair (IPC mode only) --connect CONNECT remote kismet server on host:port; by default this uses websocket mode, to use the legacy tcp mode, specify the --tcp argument --source SOURCE capture source definition, required for remote capture --tcp enable legacy tcp mode --ssl enable SSL --ssl-certificate SSLCERTIFICATE provide a SSL CA certificate to validate server --user USER Kismet username for websockets-based remote capture --password PASSWORD Kismet password for websockets-based remote capture --apikey APIKEY Kismet API key for websockets-based remote capture --endpoint ENDPOINT alternate endpoint for websockets remote capture --disable-retry ENDPOINT disable automatic reconnection --autodetect [AUTODETECT] look for a Kismet server in announce mode, optionally waiting for a specific server UUIDRequires Freaklabs hardware (or compatible SenSniff-based device)


Kismet is a wireless network and device detector, sniffer, wardriving tool,and WIDS (wireless intrusion detection) framework.

Kismet works with Wi-Fi interfaces, Bluetooth interfaces, some SDR (softwaredefined radio) hardware like the RTLSDR, and other specialized capturehardware.

This package contains the Kismet rtl_433 datasource.

Installed size: 115 KB
How to install: sudo apt install python3-kismetcapturertl433

  • librtlsdr0
  • python3
  • python3-protobuf
  • python3-websockets
root@kali:~# kismet_cap_sdr_rtl433 -husage: kismet_cap_sdr_rtl433 [-h] [--in-fd INFD] [--out-fd OUTFD] [--connect CONNECT] [--source SOURCE] [--tcp] [--ssl] [--ssl-certificate SSLCERTIFICATE] [--user USER] [--password PASSWORD] [--apikey APIKEY] [--endpoint ENDPOINT] [--disable-retry ENDPOINT] [--autodetect [AUTODETECT]]RTL433 to Kismet bridge - Creates a rtl433 data source on a Kismet server andpasses JSON-based records from the rtl_433 binaryoptions: -h, --help show this help message and exit --in-fd INFD incoming fd pair (IPC mode only) --out-fd OUTFD outgoing fd pair (IPC mode only) --connect CONNECT remote kismet server on host:port; by default this uses websocket mode, to use the legacy tcp mode, specify the --tcp argument --source SOURCE capture source definition, required for remote capture --tcp enable legacy tcp mode --ssl enable SSL --ssl-certificate SSLCERTIFICATE provide a SSL CA certificate to validate server --user USER Kismet username for websockets-based remote capture --password PASSWORD Kismet password for websockets-based remote capture --apikey APIKEY Kismet API key for websockets-based remote capture --endpoint ENDPOINT alternate endpoint for websockets remote capture --disable-retry ENDPOINT disable automatic reconnection --autodetect [AUTODETECT] look for a Kismet server in announce mode, optionally waiting for a specific server UUIDRequires the rtl_433 tool (install your distributions package or compile from


Kismet is a wireless network and device detector, sniffer, wardriving tool,and WIDS (wireless intrusion detection) framework.

Kismet works with Wi-Fi interfaces, Bluetooth interfaces, some SDR (softwaredefined radio) hardware like the RTLSDR, and other specialized capturehardware.

This package contains the Kismet rtladsb datasource.

Installed size: 141 KB
How to install: sudo apt install python3-kismetcapturertladsb

  • librtlsdr0
  • python3
  • python3-numpy
  • python3-protobuf
  • python3-websockets
root@kali:~# kismet_cap_sdr_rtladsb -husage: kismet_cap_sdr_rtladsb [-h] [--in-fd INFD] [--out-fd OUTFD] [--connect CONNECT] [--source SOURCE] [--tcp] [--ssl] [--ssl-certificate SSLCERTIFICATE] [--user USER] [--password PASSWORD] [--apikey APIKEY] [--endpoint ENDPOINT] [--disable-retry ENDPOINT] [--autodetect [AUTODETECT]]RTLadsb to Kismet bridge - Creates a rtladsb data source on a Kismet serverand passes JSON-based records from the rtladsb binaryoptions: -h, --help show this help message and exit --in-fd INFD incoming fd pair (IPC mode only) --out-fd OUTFD outgoing fd pair (IPC mode only) --connect CONNECT remote kismet server on host:port; by default this uses websocket mode, to use the legacy tcp mode, specify the --tcp argument --source SOURCE capture source definition, required for remote capture --tcp enable legacy tcp mode --ssl enable SSL --ssl-certificate SSLCERTIFICATE provide a SSL CA certificate to validate server --user USER Kismet username for websockets-based remote capture --password PASSWORD Kismet password for websockets-based remote capture --apikey APIKEY Kismet API key for websockets-based remote capture --endpoint ENDPOINT alternate endpoint for websockets remote capture --disable-retry ENDPOINT disable automatic reconnection --autodetect [AUTODETECT] look for a Kismet server in announce mode, optionally waiting for a specific server UUID


Kismet is a wireless network and device detector, sniffer, wardriving tool,and WIDS (wireless intrusion detection) framework.

Kismet works with Wi-Fi interfaces, Bluetooth interfaces, some SDR (softwaredefined radio) hardware like the RTLSDR, and other specialized capturehardware.

This package contains the Kismet rtlamr datasource.

Installed size: 131 KB
How to install: sudo apt install python3-kismetcapturertlamr

  • librtlsdr0
  • python3
  • python3-numpy
  • python3-protobuf
  • python3-websockets
root@kali:~# kismet_cap_sdr_rtlamr -husage: kismet_cap_sdr_rtlamr [-h] [--in-fd INFD] [--out-fd OUTFD] [--connect CONNECT] [--source SOURCE] [--tcp] [--ssl] [--ssl-certificate SSLCERTIFICATE] [--user USER] [--password PASSWORD] [--apikey APIKEY] [--endpoint ENDPOINT] [--disable-retry ENDPOINT] [--autodetect [AUTODETECT]]RTL-SDR AMR Kismet datasourceoptions: -h, --help show this help message and exit --in-fd INFD incoming fd pair (IPC mode only) --out-fd OUTFD outgoing fd pair (IPC mode only) --connect CONNECT remote kismet server on host:port; by default this uses websocket mode, to use the legacy tcp mode, specify the --tcp argument --source SOURCE capture source definition, required for remote capture --tcp enable legacy tcp mode --ssl enable SSL --ssl-certificate SSLCERTIFICATE provide a SSL CA certificate to validate server --user USER Kismet username for websockets-based remote capture --password PASSWORD Kismet password for websockets-based remote capture --apikey APIKEY Kismet API key for websockets-based remote capture --endpoint ENDPOINT alternate endpoint for websockets remote capture --disable-retry ENDPOINT disable automatic reconnection --autodetect [AUTODETECT] look for a Kismet server in announce mode, optionally waiting for a specific server UUID

Updated on: 2024-May-23


kismet | Kali Linux Tools (2024)


Does Kismet work on Linux? ›

Kismet will work with any wireless card which supports raw monitoring mode, and can sniff 802.11a, 802.11b, 802.11g, and 802.11n traffic. The program runs under Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, and macOS.

Which is the most powerful tool in Kali Linux? ›

Top 15 Kali Linux Tools
  • 1) Nmap. Nmap, short for Network Mapper, is a versatile and indispensable tool in network exploration and security auditing. ...
  • 3) Wireshark. ...
  • 4) Metasploit Framework. ...
  • 5) Aircrack-ng. ...
  • 6) John the Ripper. ...
  • 7) SQLmap. ...
  • 8) Autopsy. ...
  • 9) Social Engineering Toolkit.
Feb 22, 2024

Why do hackers use Kali Linux? ›

Hackers use Kali Linux as it is the best distribution for hacking: it comes with all the tools you need to hack right out of the box. It is also free to use, which makes it a good choice for individuals who want to try ethical hacking for the first time.

How many tools are there in Kali Linux? ›

What Is Kali Linux? Kali Linux is an open-source distribution designed for cybersecurity professionals, ethical hackers, and penetration testers. It is Debian-derived and focused on providing over 600 tools for penetration testing and security auditing.

Does Kali Linux have Kismet? ›

This is where Kismet, a powerful tool in the Kali Linux arsenal, steps in, acting as a wireless detective, ready to unveil the secrets of the airwaves.

Is Kismet good or bad? ›

Kismet Is Positive Karma

But this process is happening in multitudes, and so outcomes are not always fully understood. Because actions can be negative or positive, so can their results. In this sense, Kismet is like 'good karma' — when your actions align with the truth of reality, things flow. You benefit.

Is there a better OS than Kali Linux? ›

When it comes to general tools and functional features, ParrotOS takes the prize when compared to Kali Linux. ParrotOS has all the tools that are available in Kali Linux and also adds its own tools. There are several tools you will find on ParrotOS that is not found on Kali Linux. Let's look at a few such tools.

What can you hack with Kali Linux? ›

Kali Linux is mainly used for advanced Penetration Testing and Security Auditing. Kali contains several hundred tools which are geared towards various information security tasks, such as Penetration Testing, Security research, Computer Forensics and Reverse Engineering.

Why Kali is better than Ubuntu? ›

Linux: Generally, Kali Linux has a minimalistic interface, but it is more centered on supplying security testing tools rather than visuals. It may seem less refined than Ubuntu. Ubuntu: Ubuntu provides a more refined and user-friendly interface that is suitable for everyday computing needs.

Is Kali Linux legal? ›


Is Kali Linux harmful for PC? ›

But I got your question. It is totally safe if you are using it for learning. If you are hacking some stuff, you might need to use it with precautions like changing your MAC, Spoofing your IP and other stuff. You don't need a different PC.

Does Kali Linux make you anonymous? ›

How Does Kali-Whoami Help You Stay Anonymous on Kali Linux. Whoami is an advanced anonymity tool that allows you to stay anonymous on Kali Linux by using +9 powerful privacy modules, including: IP changer (Hides your real IP address) DNS change (Uses privacy-based servers as default DNS servers)

What is the most commonly used command in Kali Linux? ›

50 Essential Linux Commands for Efficient Command-Line Usage
  • ls - List files and directories.
  • cd - Change directory.
  • pwd - Print working directory.
  • mkdir - Create a new directory.
  • rm - Remove files and directories.
  • cp - Copy files and directories.
  • mv - Move or rename files and directories.

How do I see all users in Kali? ›

You can do so by outputting the /etc/passwd file's content using the cat command. It will print all usernames with details like their ID, default home directory, and login shell path. You can also get the same output by querying the passwd database using the getent command.

What comes with Kali Linux everything? ›

Kali Linux has approximately 600 penetration-testing programs (tools), including Armitage (a graphical cyber attack management tool), Nmap (a port scanner), Wireshark (a packet analyzer), metasploit (penetration testing framework), John the Ripper (a password cracker), sqlmap (automatic SQL injection and database ...

Does Anticheat work on Linux? ›

Since Linux, at its core, is quite different than Windows, the way anti-cheat is implemented is inherently incompatible. Some might even say the way anti-cheat works is fundamentally a kind of malware and needs to be contained. Anti-cheat encumbered games are the last hangup for Linux gaming.

Does Borderlands work on Linux? ›

A: Borderlands 2 Linux is available in English, French, Italian, German, Spanish. Q: Can Linux play multiplayer together versus Windows/Mac players? A: Linux players can play with Windows and Mac Steam players when versions are in sync.

Does FTK Imager work on Linux? ›

Yes, you can opt for GUI friendly, all-inclusive FTK paid GUI or EnCase Imager suite, but if you are familiar working with a Linux system and stick to open source tools, then you'll either opt for FTK Imager (the free download) for copying data, indexing it, searching, and its carving abilities.

What Wi-Fi card is supported by Linux? ›

Check each product page for other buying options.
  • D-Link USB WiFi Adapter Dual Band AC1300 Wireless Internet for Desktop PC Laptop Gaming MU-MIMO Windows Mac Linux Supported (DWA-181-US) ...
  • BrosTrend Linux USB WiFi Adapter 1200Mbps for Ubuntu Mint Debian Kubuntu Mate Zorin PureOS Raspberry Pi 2+ Windows etc.

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Author: Margart Wisoky

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Name: Margart Wisoky

Birthday: 1993-05-13

Address: 2113 Abernathy Knoll, New Tamerafurt, CT 66893-2169

Phone: +25815234346805

Job: Central Developer

Hobby: Machining, Pottery, Rafting, Cosplaying, Jogging, Taekwondo, Scouting

Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.