Adding Labels to a bar graph (2025)

Hey everyone, I am a student learning how to use matlab. I cannot find out to add labels to my bar graphs in my text or matlab's help section.

currently my code is:


title('Total forest')


ylabel('Acres Per Year')

This works for most plots but not the bar graph. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.


Posting my full program so this is easier to understand.


total_forest = zeros(21,1);

per_year_growth = zeros(21,1);




output = zeros(3,21);

total_forest(1) = uncut;

for n = 1:20

total_forest(n+1) = uncut*((1+rate)^n);


per_year_growth(1) = 0;

for n = 1:20

per_year_growth(n+1) = total_forest(n+1) - total_forest(n);


output(1,:) = years;

output(2,:) = total_forest;

output(3,:) = per_year_growth;

disp('Years Total Acres Acres Grown Per Year')

fprintf('%f %f %f\n',output)


title('Total forest')


ylabel('Acres Per Year')

The specific error I get is:

??? Index exceeds matrix dimensions.

Error in ==> hmwk9_pace at 69


Line 69 is "xlabel('Years')" w/o quotes of course.


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Adding Labels to a bar graph (3)

the cyclist on 27 Jul 2011

The full code you posted works perfectly well for me. I suggest you try restarting MATLAB, and see if that helps.

Also, maybe try "which xlabel" to make sure you don't have some function of your own lurking somewhere, that you defined. The function should be in your_matlab_directory/toolbox/matlab/graph2d/xlabel.m

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Adding Labels to a bar graph (2025)
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